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Bang Oenz adalah seorang hamba Allah yang bodoh yang mencoba untuk menjadi seorang yang berguna bagi semua orang yang ada di seluruh dunia, orang bodoh ini membuat sebuah blog sederhana yang berfungsi untuk membantunya mengumpulkan berbagai ilmu pengetahuan dan hal - hal lain yang akan mungkin memberikan manfaat bagi dirinya sendiri atau pun orang lain. semua isi dari blog ini adalah terdiri dari berbagai sumber dari segala penjuru dunia yang mungkin tidak disebutkan satu persatu.


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Tuliskan Jejak Kamu

-ap Everyone may pick heroes from any tavern.
Incompatible with allrandom, teamrandom, leaguemode, moderandom, voterandom, and reverse.

-ar Every player gets a random hero from any tavern.
Incompatible with allpick, teamrandom, leaguemode, voterandom, moderandom, and reverse.

-mr Randomly picks a mode from ar, ap, tr and normal pick.
Incompatible with allrandom, allpick, teamrandom, leaguemode, voterandom, reverse, and deathmatch.

-lm All forms of random are disabled. 10 players required. The teams will pick in alternating orders, one team picking one hero, the other team picks two heroes, the first team picks two heroes, the other team picks two heroes, the first team picks their two last heroes, the other team picks their last hero. (1-2-2-2-2-1). The team which has the first pick is random.
Incompatible with allrandom, allpick, mirrormatch, teamrandom, deathmatch, moderandom, allagility, allintelligence, allstrength, itemdrop, nopowerups, supercreeps, easymode, duplicatemode, voterandom, samehero, and reverse.

-vr Three random matchups will be chosen, and each players gets to cast a vote on which of the three matchups they want, using "-option #" where # is 1, 2 or 3.
Needs an even amount of players on each team to be activated.
Incompatible with leaguemode, allrandom, mirrormode, teamrandom, deathmatch, moderandom, allagility, allintelligence, allstrength, samehero, and reverse.

-reverse The Sentinel's players pick the Scourge's team and the Scourge's players pick the Sentinel's team.
Needs an even amount of players on each team to be activated.
Incompatible with allpick, allrandom, teamrandom, moderandom, leaguemode, voterandom, deathmatch, and samehero.
Secondary game modes
Only useable by the game host.

-dm If you die, you will have to pick a new hero once you can respawn. Deathmatch must be selected before any primary game mode to work. If a random primary mode was selected, you will recieve a hero according to that random mode. A team loses if it has 36 deaths, or if its ancient is destroyed.
Incompatible with allintelligence, allagility, allstrength, teamrandom, leaguemode, moderandom, voterandom and samehero.

-id When you die, a random slot in your inventory will drop whatever it holds. You no longer lose money when dieing.
Incompatible with leaguemode.

-sc Every now and then, a super creep may spawn for each side and follow the creeps in either lane. The weakest supercreep is the siege golem, a bit stronger is the scary fish, and the ancient hydra is the strongest one.
Incompatible with leaguemode.

-em Towers are weaker, experience is gained faster, and you get more periodic gold.
Incompatible with leaguemode.

-np No runes will spawn.
Incompatible with leaguemode.

-aa Only agility heroes may be chosen.
Incompatible with allstrength, allintelligence, deathmatch, voterandom and leaguemode.

-ai Only intelligence heroes may be chosen.
Incompatible with allstrength, allagility, deathmatch, voterandom and leaguemode.

-as Only strength heroes may be chosen.
Incompatible with allagility, allintelligence, deathmatch, voterandom and leaguemode.

-sp The teams will be randomly shuffled. This includes which colour you have and which side you are on.
Compatible with all other modes.

-mm mirrormatch: Requires that both teams have the same number of players. After one minute, each player pair (blue - pink, teal - gray, purple - light blue, yellow - dark green, orange - brown) will have their heroes replaced with either one of the two they had. In the end, each player pair has the same hero, and both teams have the same matchup.
Incompatible with samehero, voterandom and leaguemode.

-du The same hero can be picked, or randomed, by multiple players.
Incompatible with leaguemode.

-sh All players will have the hero that blue picks.
Incompatible with mirrormatch, voterandom and leaguemode.

Fun modes
Have to be entered in the first 15 seconds, seperately.
-wtf When an ability is used, all cooldowns are reset and your mana is set to full. Certain triggered abilities will seem as if they have no cooldown, but will not have any effect until the time which it would normally be cooled down has passed. (One example is Borrowed Time)

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